Please Note
If you wish to book outside of the opening hours, you may be charged an Attendance charge for staff time. When the booking form is received you will be phoned and emailed with details of such charges.
A charge of €10 will apply to any session of 2 hours and 20 mins and a charge of €20 for any session of 2 hours and 50 mins during the period until end of September. This charge is to ensure that the Studio is booked for the time required only and is therefore free for other users. No charge applies to a booking of 1 hour and 50 mins.
A refundable deposit of €50 must be made within 24 hours of booking confirmation. This can be done by bank transfer or through Connected Hubs ( the fee is €53 if booked on connected hubs to cover admin charges) . Details of the bank transfer will be provided in your booking confirmation.
Please confirm that you have read and agree to the conditions of use attached and to the conditions specified on this application for use.
I confirm that in making this application for use, I accept and will abide by the terms and conditions of such use. I will provide the required identification, attend an information session in advance and pay the deposit and any related charges. I agree and understand that I am responsible for the equipment in the Studio and that I will accept any charges in respect of repair or damage to equipment during my session.